Sunday, May 26, 2013

Secret Life of Christian Women: God Please Forgive My Potty Mouth !@%$#%@

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 Over the weeks we have discussed sex, mental illness and frustration that comes with being a wife and mom. Today, I want to discuss a subject that has become an issue in my personal life.

Since being alive for over 30 years I have noticed several things about myself.

  • My skin breaks out when I sleep less than 7 hours a night
  • I feel chest pains while experiencing financial issues
  • I start cursing when stressed out.
Having a busy 3-year old does not help my cause but there must be a better way to deal with the unnecessary "F bombs". I knew that something needed to change after yelling and cursing at my son two times in one day. I went to God with a humble spirit and asked for direction. "God what can I do to stop cursing." I felt the answer was " replace your words with my words." Wow! Easier said than done but for over two weeks I have been trying to quote the two scriptures below:

Psalms 19:14 NKJV

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

Prov. 18:21 The Message
Words kill, words give life;
    they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.

If you are experiencing the same issues I urge you to do what I did and "replace your words with God's words!"

How do you deal with stress and a potty mouth?

Link ups this week:


  1. What a wonderful way to retrain your mind and mouth. When we replace those bad thoughts with the truths of God's Word we purify our minds and when our minds our pure, our mouths start cleaning up,too. Stopping by from Mom's the Word

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, I look forward to link up days!

  2. Beautiful post, my friend! I've never had a problem with swearing as I've never really done it. But I did have to watch my words with my kids as I did say some words that weren't very nice.

    I remember staying "stupid jerk" to a driver and I heard my little guy say "Toopid joik" from the backseat. I knew then that I needed help.

    The more we get His Word into us the more it comes out of us! Thanks so much for linking up to "Making Your Home Sing Monday" today! :)

  3. Delora, I love the verses you're speaking to yourself! Whether dealing with a bad attitude or saying destructive words, I've found the more I read God's word, talk with Him, and think about Him AND the less I watch and listen to junk, the easier it gets. It's not so much about being legalistic about our words as it is about our hearts. When our relationship and hearts are embracing Him, our words will follow... Of course, I'm still working on that!! Great post!

  4. Hi Mary, thanks so much for stopping by. I am learning more and more each day that watching the House Wives or other reality shows that do not glorify God, should be avoided.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I may not curse, but I do battle with saying negative things at times. God has used those two verses with me, also. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks so much for stopping by Esther. ( I love your name)
