Since the start of American Idol, I was always suspicious about the votes but kept watching. Even after reports came out that American Idol was struggling with ratings in 2011, RyanSeacrest kept mentioning that the ratings were great. Then auditions started for 2012 and I was eager to see what would happen next. Overall, the judges did not disappoint and now we have great contenders.
On Tuesday night it was no surprise that Jennifer, Randy and Steven stood up after Jessica and Joshua’s duet. What about Elise and Phillip’s duet, it was just as good don’t you think? So why are the judges not standing up? Do you think it is because they want Jessica and Joshua to be the final two? This is all strange to me because Jessica and Joshua are not my top picks.
Jessica, reminds me of Pia Toscano who was voted off last season. They are both extremely talented but lack something. In the music industry being original is a must and Jessica has not displayed her originality thus far. On the other hand, my favs are Elise, Phillip and Colton. These three always try to be original, which is what will make them great. Elise did not have a good night on Tuesday night but maybe if the judges (Jennifer) told everyone to vote like they did for DeAndre a week ago, she would not be in the bottom two.
Branden on AmericanIdol stated, “Phillip Phillips highest possible ranking: Winner.” Unfortunately, I do not think Phillip will win the competition but I do think that he will sell more albums than most of the other contestants. I am a grown woman with a husband and a kid but every time Phillip sings, I feel like screaming like a school girl. He is awesome!
Colton is already a star in my eyes although he does not receive standing ovations like Jessica and Joshua. It does not matter what happens at the end of the season, Colton will sell millions of CDs.
Let me know your thoughts.
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